Age: 125
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regarding saima, i'm not tryin' 2 change anyone's mind. i'm just tryin' 2 make everyone look past her appearence and judge her for what we're supposed to judge her for: her talent.
and i'm not saying appearance doesn't matter. it does. but when it comes to acting it should be secondary. afterall, saima and all these other artists 4 that matter, are actors/actresses...not models. they act! hai ke nahi!?!
Age: 125
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i meant is hadiqa also a pathan?! i heard somewhere that she is, and i thought u might know 4 sure?!
as 4 western music, i'm into all kinds. rap moreso than others! eminem, and dmx r my favorites.
i hate christina agiulera's guts, but the way she sings...she's got some pakistani in her. LOL. (j/k). when she does those long thaan's! u know what i mean?! lol. only brown people can pull that off, and it seems so can that broad!
Age: 125
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lol. so that ends that, then! lol.
we'll end it like so:
u hate saima cause she's 'ugly' and 'fat' and 'old.' i like her, cause i have an open mind and i think the opposite: she's NOT ugly, not fat (just big boned!!), and not too old. and to boot...she's got the most talent, which in the end, wins me over.
but u can admit that she's a 'fat ugly GOOD actress,' and i can admit that she needs 2 retire from leading roles once someone can prove 2 be better than her!
Age: 125
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lol. sorry mr. death yaar! i have not 4gotten abt u! who r some of your favorites? singers i mean. indian or pakistani, doesn't matter.
and slick chick, no problem (abt your punjabi)!! the song's name is 'mai nai boldi, meray-ch mera yaar bolda'! i like it 2!
u're right abt the concerts. everyone always seems 2 go 2 london and scotland. ireland gets left out...sorry! but i have been 2 a handful of concerts, none better than the following two, which i will NEVER forget: aug. 24 1996, nusrat fateh ali khan's last concert in toronto, canada (where i live!). needless 2 say, he was outstanding. and the second was aug. 17 2002, when abrar came with humaira arshad!! they both sold out the arena and they put on a performace that crowd will remember 4ever! in fact it was thanks 2 this concert that i became an abrar fan, after seeing what he can do 2 a crowd! if u ever get the chance....GO 2 AN ABRAR-UL-HAQ CONCERT!! i guarantee u...u will not regret it!
now i wanna go see fuzon...whenever they come!
so u're a pathan eh?! very interesting! isn't hadiqa one as well??
Age: 125
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u hear that paki lion yaar?! yet another award linked 2 saima. lol. (j/k). its up 2 me and u 2 keep this discussion clean, and ensure the award goes 2 this topic (regarding saima)!! lol.
Age: 125
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lol. ydakh jee, i'm sure she will go all out 4 this movie! she's got adnan sami 2 do the title song, got good people 2 sign as leads, and has promoted it so much so far, so i don't see y she wont use up2date equipment!
Age: 125
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i only recently got into lollywood. as 4 alltime favorite is the late great nusrat fateh ali khan. current day singers: humaira arshad takes the cake! abrar and fuzon are also outstanding. thats not 2 say i wont listen 2 anyone else tho! pakistani music kicks ass!
u ever been 2 a pakistani concert 2 enjoy any of these singers live?
Age: 125
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u come into a lollywood fourm - asking for model's pics, call the topic 'gay' and proceed to make a hand full of posts, and then resort 2 namecalling - and I'm the one who needs 2 grow up? LOL. djguru....u make ME laugh. LOL.
as 4 mistyping my username yet the spirit of ramadan as u said, and the fact that u're a fellow lahori: consider urself off on a technicality.
Age: 125
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HAHAHAHA! SHE OWNS LOLLYWOOD!! SEE!!!!!! when u're the best the industry has, u're ALWAYS in demand!! don't belive me paki lion...believe the directors/producers who cast her! they're genius's i tell u!!! lol.
Age: 125
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paki lion...why do u swear?! lol. we're having a decent debate. no need 4 name-calling.
secondly u just don't get it do u?! did u read ANYWHERE in my posts that ANY of these 'up-and-comers' (actresses) are ugly??? i said most of them look good but cannot act. RIGHT NOW, today, as we speak....SAIMA CAN. u're talking abt 2 years down the line (zara). when someone can achieve the success saima has (whenever they do)...then we'll talk.
until then, u can go crazy callin' me or saima names, but nothing will change! PRESENT DAY....she's the undisputed no. 1 in lollywood. ask noor, ask veena malik, ask sana, ask anyone. u KNOW she's the best when the same goodlookin' newcomers u say will de-thrown her, are saying she's the best the industry has today. end of story.
and keep this in mind paki lion: i also prefer change. new faces ARE needed for our industry. BUT...those faces have 2 have talent 2 back themselves up. when someone can do that...i'll be the first 2 admit saima should retire (from lead roles). lol.
Age: 125
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lol. i can wait till the cows come home! its YOU who wants saima ousted today. lol.
i'm not saying saima should stay in movies forever. nor am i saying she should get every heroine's role. but if someone will de-thrown her, it better be cause they are worthy (meaning they can act AND look good). not just for the sake of getting rid of saima due 2 her weight. see my point yaar!?
so until someone can kick her off her pedistle...saima is the best actress pakistan has, in my opinion.
Age: 125
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lol. so thats what this is about?? u just don't want saima in lead roles? but u can admit she acts good, similar 2 the examples u gave from bollywood? if thats the case, it makes more sense.
however...saima...lucky?? whatever u say. common paki lion. she gets these roles cause she can out-act everyone. 1 or 2 lucky ones maybe (just like EVERY other actor/actress) but the rest are based on her performance.
and u're right...the competition has risen thanks 2 newer actresses now a days. so let me ask u then....where r these new actresses?! lol. if they were so good, then saima would not be in movies and someone would have ousted her ALREADY, as u said! but nobody has been able to do so. sure all of them look good. but when you're an ACTRESS...u have to be able to ACT as well. saima has both. she can act and she looks good (save her weight - and even that can be argued). these new ladies (or most of them) cannot do both. they look good, but act VERY BAD. and thats why saima continues 2 land lead roles...cause she can get the job done. if i was wrong.....saima would be acting in mummy roles, like u want! but newsflash...she's NOT!!